Monday, May 1, 2017

A Clarification to my Last Post

In my last post, I concluded with this paragraph: “And this, folks, is the canary in the coal mine, which has just keeled over dead: It’s clear (to me, anyway) that no new compliance area (like supply chain or virtualization) can be incorporated into CIP unless this is done with non-prescriptive requirements. Indeed, no new prescriptive CIP requirements have been proposed since 2012, when CIP v5 was approved by the NERC membership. Yet it is also now clear to me that no new non-prescriptive standards (or requirements) will ever be freely accepted by the NERC membership until the CIP compliance regime itself has changed. I will be watching to see what happens.”

To summarize the argument in this paragraph:

1.       New “compliance areas” won’t be incorporated into CIP unless the requirements implementing them are non-prescriptive.[i] The two examples of new compliance areas that I used are supply chain security and virtualization.
2.       But (as discussed in the last post) no new non-prescriptive requirements will be “freely accepted” by the NERC membership until the overall NERC CIP compliance regime has been changed. Of course, I used the phrase “freely accepted”, because I was arguing in that post that, even though CIP-013 was very likely to be approved by NERC, it was going to be approved either without a passing vote by the NERC ballot body (i.e. through use of the Section 321 process) or as a result of a substantial effort by an important industry trade group to “persuade” their members to vote yes on the next ballot, despite what are likely to be substantial misgivings.
3.       Therefore (by implication, although I didn’t explicitly state it), only a compliance regime change will allow CIP to be expanded to address these and other new compliance areas.

While I still agree with my conclusion in point 3, I do have two misgivings about point 2:

First, it is still possible for new non-prescriptive requirements to be freely accepted by the NERC ballot body. The changes in CIP-003 (the “LERC” requirement and the new requirement for Transient Cyber Assets used at Low assets) that were recently approved by both the NERC ballot body and the NERC Board were freely approved, although I think the fact that a FERC deadline was looming for the LERC requirement helped get that one passed. I was frankly surprised, given the negative comments by many entities on the second ballot, that this requirement nevertheless received the required super-majority.  

However, I now don’t want to go so far as to say that a new area like supply chain can never be implemented through exclusively non-prescriptive requirements – i.e. that the non-prescriptive requirements required to incorporate a new compliance area (such as supply chain security) into CIP will never be freely accepted by the NERC membership. I believe CIP-013 would eventually have been balloted, modified and re-balloted enough times that it would have passed without any external intervention; it is just that FERC’s very aggressive one-year deadline for developing the standard precluded this from happening.

But virtualization is an example of an area that can only be addressed through modifications of a number of existing prescriptive requirements, as well as new requirements and definitions. I see no end to the balloting that will be required to effect all of the changes that might be required to implement virtualization, to the extent that I am close to certain the current CIP Modifications SDT will never complete the mandate in their SAR to incorporate virtualization into CIP.

Second, it may seem that I am implying in the second point above that only if a new standard or requirement is “freely accepted” will it be “legitimate”. I agree that, given the standards approval process described in the NERC Rules of Procedure, the only “normal” process for approving a new standard is one in which it receives the required super-majority of votes; this implies that standards not approved by a super-majority in a ballot are somehow less legitimate than others. However, while I am a great fan of democracy in general, I’m not saying that this is the only way to develop mandatory cyber security requirements. In my opinion, it would be quite legitimate if for example a group composed of stakeholders (mainly NERC entities) would both draft and approve new CIP standards; these would then be submitted to FERC for final approval. Of course, this would require a change to the NERC Rules of Procedure.

What I was actually trying to say by using the phrase “freely accepted” was that, if there isn’t broad consensus among NERC members that a particular standard is a legitimate one worthy of their attention, the entire compliance process – which requires a huge amount of cooperation by the entities themselves – will be thrown into chaos. It will be very hard to convince the NERC membership that they need to comply with a standard if a majority of members believe complying with this standard will simply be a waste of time and money with no benefit to the reliability or stability of the BES. As long as NERC is charged with developing new or revised standards for cyber security, any standard that is approved in such a case will almost inevitably end up being changed or withdrawn before it ever reaches FERC for approval. There is going to have to be substantial input by the entities into the final product, whether or not it is expressed in an actual ballot.

However, implementing a new area of compliance like virtualization (which is, of course, on the docket for the current CIP Modifications drafting team) will require a lot of changes to existing prescriptive requirements, as well as some new requirements, which presumably could be non-prescriptive. To push beyond the points I made in this post, I believe just getting the needed non-prescriptive requirements approved will take literally years (I’m guessing there might be at least five or six new non-prescriptive requirements required to incorporate virtualization into CIP, each of which will take at least six months of the SDT’s full attention[ii]).

But modifying the many existing prescriptive requirements that will need to be changed to accommodate virtualization will take far longer, both because there will be more of them but also because there are likely to be epic battles over the wording of the changes; in prescriptive requirements, the wording is everything. This is the main reason why I believe the drafting team will never complete their virtualization mandate.

The same reasoning would apply to any future effort to allow entities to put BCS in the cloud (as opposed to putting BCS Information in the cloud, which is already permitted by the existing CIP requirements), although such an effort is not even being contemplated at this point. Besides probably some new requirements, this effort would require substantial changes to almost all of the existing CIP requirements, prescriptive and non-prescriptive. I think trying to make these changes in the existing set of CIP requirements would require something like a generation of effort, so SDT members would need to be recruited fresh out of college with the somewhat slim hope that they will finally accomplish their goal before they retire. Not exactly a formula for success, IMHO.

To summarize, in this post I tried to clarify the conclusion of my last post (not sure I succeeded, though). Instead of implying (as I did in that post) that there can never be any expansion of CIP to address new areas of compliance, I want to say that there can be expansion that doesn’t require changes to existing CIP requirements (as is the case for CIP-013. Even though the new draft will include changes in several existing CIP requirements as well as a revised CIP-013, the wording of the existing requirements themselves wasn’t modified, just added to). But for areas like virtualization and BCS in the cloud that do require changes to existing requirements, I believe that expanding CIP to cover these areas will never be possible until all of the CIP standards are rewritten from scratch, and incorporated into a new compliance regime similar to the one I outlined in my last post.

The views and opinions expressed here are my own and don’t necessarily represent the views or opinions of Deloitte.

[i] In fact, as I will point out in my next post, no new prescriptive CIP requirements at all have been drafted since CIP v5. This is not by chance: Both NERC and FERC now realize that non-prescriptive requirements are the only way to go when it comes to cyber security.

[ii][ii] I’m basing this estimate on the fact that the LERC requirement – which was non-prescriptive – took more than six full months of the SDT’s time, using my informal observations. And this requirement was a modification of an existing prescriptive requirement. The SDT made it non-prescriptive and thus allowed entities more options for complying with it, without removing any options they previously had, yet it still was greeted with a lot of concerns and even outright hostility. So my guess is that getting a brand new non-prescriptive requirement approved would take significantly more of the SDT’s time than six months – which is why I think my estimate of six months for each new requirement is quite conservative.

1 comment:

  1. Despite wide-spread suspicion of "new" technology (that has well over a decade in operation in a broad spectrum of highly-secure IT environments), the security measures for virtualized environments are NOT wildly different from those in physical environments.

    Where NERC CIP goes off the rails is where it tries to invent specific definitions unique to the utility industry rather than using standard IT Security terminology and concepts, and then tuning and tuning the definitions and wording until they can't find use cases that allow people to weasel out of the strict parsing of requirements language using grammatical tricks. It's a lawyer's approach to compliance, not a security professional's approach to safeguarding critical infrastructure. But it's the approach people are conditioned to expect.

    It's also the wrong approach; you can't possibly cover every use case in any document that is humanly readable.
