Thursday, August 31, 2023

Dale Peterson’s interview with Steve Springett

Recently, Dale Peterson interviewed Steve Springett, leader of the OWASP Dependency Track and CycloneDX projects, for his podcast. I have watched a number of podcasts with Steve, and I never come away without a lot of notes; for this podcast, I took six pages’ worth. This was in part because Dale asked some really excellent questions, which showed he had done a lot of research beforehand. Between the two of them, it was quite a show.

I recommend you listen to the whole podcast, but I’d like to address three topics that came up – among many.

Contractual challenges to sharing SBOMs

Steve and Dale both agreed early in the podcast that, while SBOMs are being heavily used by software developers to learn about and manage vulnerabilities in products they’re developing, they’re hardly being distributed to or used by end user organizations at all (i.e., organizations whose primary business isn’t developing software, which is of course well over 99% of the organizations on the planet).

One of the reasons Steve pointed to for this problem (and it is a problem!) was contractual. He didn’t elaborate on that, but I can guess that, since there are no standards or official guidelines for producing or distributing SBOMs, any organization that tries to negotiate with suppliers on the terms under which they’ll provide their SBOMs won’t find this to be easy at all.

However, I’ve already discovered the solution to this problem. It’s a lot like the solution the doctor proposed to his patient who complained that if he performed an unusual arm motion, it hurt. The doctor’s solution? “Don’t do that.”

And that’s my solution to the problem of contracts for SBOMs being hard to negotiate: Don’t bother with them. Given the complete lack of standards or official guidelines for producing or distributing SBOMs, it’s simply way too early to even consider using contract language to “force” the supplier to give you exactly the type of SBOM you want, in exactly the way you want it.

However, let’s say the supplier gives you the perfect SBOM that you want. What are you going to do with it on your own? There are currently no low-cost, commercially supported tools that ingest SBOMs (and VEX documents, although they’re hardly being distributed at all today) and output a list of component risks for the user, including a list of exploitable component vulnerabilities. Yet, this is the use case that most end users have in mind for SBOMs.

This is why I recently suggested that we forget about using contract language for SBOMs for the time being (except for perhaps an NDA) and simply focus on mutual learning: the suppliers will produce the SBOMs they think their users want and their users will tell them whether and how they’re able to use them. This will be effectively a large-scale proof of concept and, as with any proof of concept exercise, there will need to be mechanisms for gathering and aggregating the lessons learned.

I know of only one active SBOM proof of concept that is exchanging SBOMs today - the healthcare PoC being sponsored by the Healthcare ISAC. Moreover, that PoC has just around ten participants (medical device makers and large hospital organizations). Wouldn’t it be great if we could get a lot more suppliers and users, in many industries, exchanging SBOMs and learning from them – and then sharing what they’ve learned from the experience? We can do that if we forget about contract language for now, and simply focus on what we can learn.

The only way SBOMs are going to provide value to end users in the near term

After the above discussion, Dale pointed to the one solution that can lead to SBOMs (or at least the information to be derived from them) being widely used by non-developers in the next few years. The solution won’t be to have low-cost, commercially supported tools that every organization can use. I used to think that those tools would someday magically appear, but they haven’t appeared yet and I know of none that are even on the horizon.

More importantly, there are serious issues like the “naming problem” (which Dale brought up later in the podcast) and how to get useful VEX information out (I plan a post on this problem next week), which are currently standing in the way of easy-to-use consumer tools. These problems won’t ever be completely solved, but they can be addressed to a degree that makes usable consumer tools possible. We’re simply not there yet, and won’t be for years.

However, Dale pointed out that he sees a more realistic path to SBOMs being usable to consumers in the near term, and that’s third party service providers; I agree with him 100% on this. The fact is that the tools required to analyze SBOMs and VEX information, and then report component risks to end users, are available now. However, they’re almost all not low cost or commercially supported or both – and that’s what will be needed for true consumer tools. Moreover, an end user today would need to string together several open source tools (and address data formatting issues, etc.), to get the required functionality. Few businesses or government agencies have the technical chops and available time to do this.

However, third party service providers are a different story. They know that whatever tooling they put in place will allow them to provide this service to many end user organizations. The economic picture will be very different for them.

Exactly who will these service providers be? I honestly don’t know now, but I do know that, given the high and growing interest in learning about software component vulnerabilities, they will appear. The important technical problems have all been solved in principle. Even the naming problem has been “solved” by hundreds or even thousands of software suppliers and their consultants, since there are lots of ad hoc workarounds available, including AI/ML routines, fuzzy logic, etc. No non-software suppliers will want to invest in developing these routines for their own use, but again, the economic picture changes drastically for service providers who can amortize the cost of doing so over hundreds or thousands of customers and products.

There’s one important aspect of these service providers that didn’t come up in the podcast, but is one that I’ve written about once or twice: It’s clear to me (at least) that end users shouldn’t be responsible for paying the service providers for their analysis. After all, the supplier is the one that chose the component and included it in their product. If they chose a component that poses big risks for end users, why should the end users have to find this out for themselves? More importantly, if there are 10,000 customers of a product, why should they each have to pay a service provider to tell them that CVE-2023-12345 is exploitable in the product they use, and they should immediately contact the supplier to find out when they’ll patch it?

Instead, why doesn’t the supplier pay the service provider to do this and distribute the results to their users? I remember when it first became clear in the 1990s that software vulnerabilities weren’t rare events (as had been the general opinion), but could be counted on to appear constantly in just about any product. At first, software suppliers tried to charge their users for the privilege of receiving patches for the vulnerabilities in their product – often through saying that only users who pay for maintenance would receive patches.

Of course, this idea quickly faded, and now I don’t know a single supplier that doesn’t develop and distribute security patches to their customers for free. I expect the same thing to happen with SBOM analysis. While I don’t think most suppliers will want to make the investment in providing the service I described above for their customers, I think they will gladly pay a third party to provide that service on their behalf. Especially when all their competitors start doing it and they realize they won’t be in business much longer unless they do as well. Just like what happened with security patches.

Side-channel attacks

Toward the end of the podcast, Dale brought up the topic of VEX. He had heard Steve say on a different podcast that “VEX is a missed opportunity because it doesn’t represent risk.” He asked what Steve meant by that.

Steve’s first response was fairly complicated (and led to a more complicated discussion than I want to address at the moment), but his second response was very straightforward: VEX considers a single vulnerability in isolation and provides a binary answer to the question of whether that vulnerability is exploitable in a particular product (and not just a particular product, but a particular version of that product).

However, Steve pointed out that hackers often don’t just try to exploit one vulnerability and then give up if they don’t succeed in compromising the product using that vulnerability. Instead, they often try to exploit a different vulnerability. Then, if they’re successful with that attack, they “pivot” to exploiting the vulnerability they had originally aimed for. This is known as a “side channel” or “chained” attack. When you consider these attacks, then VEX’s answer to whether a vulnerability is exploitable in the product or not becomes more complicated – since you need to consider which side channel attacks might be used to exploit that vulnerability, not just direct attacks.

This was a question that was discussed in the VEX working group when it was under NTIA (I don’t think we have discussed it much under CISA). Our feeling at the time was that, if we started to consider side channel attacks, then essentially every vulnerability would be exploitable. Why even have a VEX in that case? Instead of spending their time putting out VEX information, a supplier would just need to admit they need to patch every component vulnerability, even though they know that over 90% of them probably aren’t exploitable.

Moreover, end users will also need to admit that, even though they on average are currently only applying about 15% of the patches they receive for products installed on their network, they’ll now face a huge influx of additional patches, which they will have to add to their already voluminous patching queue. Since we (the VEX working group) didn’t want to provide those answers either to suppliers or end users, we decided to proceed on the assumption that only directly exploitable vulnerabilities need to be designated as exploitable in VEX.

However, enough people (besides Steve) have raised this issue that I now think we need to admit that there are more sophisticated hackers out there who know how to use side channel attacks. So, for some users (especially those in high assurance use cases, like military contractors, hospitals, and OT in general), it does make sense to patch any component vulnerability that is known to be present in the product, and for users to apply those patches.

Fortunately, there are some cases in which even a side channel attack won’t be able to exploit a particular vulnerability in a product, meaning that VEX can provide an acceptable solution, even for high assurance users. I’ll discuss that soon, hopefully next week.

Any opinions expressed in this blog post are strictly mine and are not necessarily shared by any of the clients of Tom Alrich LLC. If you would like to comment on what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at

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