Monday, May 13, 2024

How do we replace the NVD? Should we replace it?

At the OWASP SBOM Forum’s weekly meeting on Friday, we heard what the NVD’s big problem is: It no longer has funding. It turned out that the collapse on February 12 really was due to a funding shortfall – a massive shortfall, although perhaps not all the way to zero. Some people had suggested that the problem was cutbacks by NIST. I I pooh-poohed that idea, since budgets are set before the beginning of the government’s fiscal year, which is October 1.

However, it turns out I didn’t know where the lion’s share of the NVD’s funding comes from. And guess what? It doesn’t come from NIST. It was that other source that abruptly cut off the NVD’s funding in February. At that point, the NVD probably had to release some staff members to join other projects at NIST (as I’m sure you know, NIST does lots of work in cybersecurity. There probably are always openings on other projects. I doubt anyone from the NVD was put on the street, unless they decided to quit). The NVD kept “enriching” a small number of CVEs, but at the meeting on Friday, someone (I think Andrey Lukashenkov of Vulners) said they hadn’t done any enriching for ten days.

This means they (i.e., whoever is still working for the NVD) are now just trying to maintain the database they have. This means that, if you search the NVD for vulnerabilities applicable to a product you use, don’t expect to find any recent vulnerabilities. Of course, those are the ones that most users are concerned about. The NVD without data on recent vulnerabilities is about as useful as a car without a steering wheel.

Why did that other source cut off their funding? I don’t know, and finding out isn’t a big priority for me. What is a priority is deciding where the software security community goes from here, as well as what options are available to organizations concerned about identifying vulnerabilities in the software they use.

As luck would have it, I’d realized a couple of months ago, after the NVD’s problems became apparent, that there were too many individual threads that needed to be pulled for there to be succinct answers to these questions; therefore, there needed to be a group effort to pull the threads and put together a coherent picture. This is why I formed the Vulnerability Database Working Group of the OWASP SBOM Forum. I summarized my idea of the group’s agenda in this post. I still think it’s a good agenda, although the group will decide what we want to discuss and what document(s) we want to produce – and those ideas are likely to change as we go along.

However, there has been one significant change since I wrote that post. Then, it was unclear what (if anything) would do to step up to replace the NVD. It’s now clear that they are doing a lot. There have been two important changes:

The first change is that CVE Numbering Authorities (aka CNAs. They include groups like GitHub and the Linux kernel, as well as software developers like Red Hat and Microsoft, who report vulnerabilities in their own products as well as other products that are in their scope. The CNAs report to will now be encouraged to include in their CVE reports the CPE name for the product, the CVSS score and the CWEs. As the announcement by points out, “This means the authoritative source (within their CNA scope) of vulnerability information — those closest to the products themselves — can accurately report enriched data to CVE directly and contribute more substantially to the vulnerability management process.” It never made sense for the NVD to create these items – or override what the CNA had created, which often happened.

The other significant change is that now supports what was previously called v5.1 of the CVE JSON specification, but is now called the “CVE Record Format v5.1”. In early 2022, Steve Springett and Tony Turner of the OWASP SBOM Forum submitted a pull request to to get purl identifiers included in the CVE spec. We missed the v5.0 spec, but made it into v5.1. This means that, with some training, CNAs will now be able to include purls in their CVE reports, although they may still have to include CPEs, and software users (as well as developers) will bee able to find vulnerabilities for open source products using purls (this will also be a boon to open source software vulnerability databases like OSS Index and OSV).

Our reasons for advocating purl were described in this white paper, which we published in September 2022 (see especially pages 4-6, where we describe some of the many problems with CPE). In that paper, we also described a way to handle proprietary software in purl (since purl currently applies exclusively to open source software), based on use of SWID tags – but the mechanism for making the SWID tags known to software users was left open. This isn’t a technical problem but an organizational one, since it might require creating a spec for software developers to follow when they want to advertise SWID tags for their products. It would be nice to see that done sometime, but I don’t have the time to lead it now.

The third topic in that paper was an identifier for intelligent devices, since CPE is deficient in that area as well. We suggested the GTIN and GMN identifiers, now used widely in global trade. I didn’t think we were even going to push those identifiers at the time, yet it seems that Steve and Tony must have included them in the pull request, because CVE says they’re supported in 5.1 as well! If CNAs start including these in CVE reports for devices, that might significantly change the whole “discipline” of vulnerability management for devices, which is frankly not making much progress now. This is because only a very small percentage of device makers report vulnerabilities in their devices to today.

I’m encouraged that is picking up their game. However, an organization that currently uses the NVD exclusively for vulnerability data would not be well advised to simply switch their total dependence over to, since the “front end” capabilities needed for those organizations to make use of the data are less robust in CVE than they are (or were) in the NVD.

We will be discussing these and similar issues in the OWASP Vulnerability Database Working Group in our meetings tomorrow and every two weeks thereafter. If you would like to join the group, drop me an email.

Any opinions expressed in this blog post are strictly mine and are not necessarily shared by any of the clients of Tom Alrich LLC. If you would like to comment on what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at Also, if you would like to learn more about or join the OWASP SBOM Forum, please email me.

My book "Introduction to SBOM and VEX" is now available in paperback and Kindle versions! For background on the book and the link to order it, see this post.


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