Chris Hughes produced a great post this
week, which I hope will wake a lot of people up. The post was inspired by an article
by former CISA Director Jen Easterly; by some good luck, the post is still
available on CISA’s website.
The post makes a point that Ms. Easterly has been making for
at least a few years: that software developers aren’t doing enough to build
security into their products. As a result, the public (and government) is still
paying a huge price for the damage caused by attackers exploiting security bugs
in software. Last May, CISA launched their Secure by Design pledge, which over
250 companies have taken. Ms. Easterly states, “Each new signer commits to
prioritizing security at every stage of software development, creating a ripple
effect that raises the standard across the industry.”
She concludes by saying, “The Secure by Design pledge, the
resulting progress pledge signers are making, and the bipartisan support for
cybersecurity all signal that there is a groundswell of support mounting behind
this movement…I see individuals and organizations across the entire
ecosystem—open source communities, universities, insurers, Venture Capital
firms, researchers, and regulators—playing their part to prioritize and
incentivize security. Best of all, I see our nation embracing this movement to
make secure, resilient software, creating a safer digital world for everyone.”
Ms. Easterly continually
analogizes to the automobile industry: Cars used to be built without any concern
for safety, but a combination of public pressure and strong federal regulation
(along with California’s pioneering regulations) turned that situation around quickly.
She thinks this shows Secure by Design should work for the software industry as
However, Chris points out that,
while there are only about 12-15 major car manufacturers and fewer than 1,000 manufacturers
in total worldwide, there are easily hundreds of thousands of software developers,
including a lot of one-person shops. So, just getting a relatively small number
of huge developers to sign the pledge isn’t going to do much to secure software
in general.
Moreover, Chris isn’t optimistic
that signing a pledge will make a difference for most commercial software
developers. After all, they’re in business to make money. He points to two big developers
that constantly tout their focus on security, which both have reported large
breaches in recent years. It isn’t that these companies are hypocrites; rather,
it’s that revenue and speed to market will always take precedence over security
for commercial products. We shouldn’t expect that to change quickly, if ever.
Even more importantly, there’s
the fact that at least 70% (I’ve heard 90%) of the code in any modern software
product consists of open source components. Chris says, “The number of open
source components in products has tripled in the last four years alone.” Of
course, since open source development communities have constant turnover, it’s
hard to identify who could even make a Secure by Design pledge, or what it
would mean if they made one.
Having made his point that it’s naïve
to expect Secure by Design to have much effect on its own on the rapid growth
in software vulnerabilities, Chris says in effect that we need to accept the
fact that there will always be software vulnerabilities; moreover, it’s likely
they will continue to increase at an increasing rate (i.e., the second derivative
is positive).
Therefore (and here I’m going
beyond what Chris said in his post), the software security community needs to give
up the idea that vulnerabilities can be prevented at the source. Instead, we
should focus on managing vulnerabilities at scale. Only by doing that can we be
sure that whatever resources we have for that purpose are used to produce the
greatest possible “bang for the buck” – i.e., mitigate as much vulnerability
risk as possible.
What do we need to accomplish
that goal? There’s one thing that’s absolutely required, if software vulnerability
management is even going to be possible: When a user wants to learn about
recently-identified vulnerabilities in a software product they use, or in the
components of the product they have learned about through an SBOM, they should
be able to search the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) or another vulnerability
database and immediately be shown all recent CVEs that affect the product.
Moreover, before they make that
search, the user should not need to conduct another search to find the identifier
for the product; the identifier should be self-evident to them, based on
information they already have. The identifier that enables this to happen is purl,
which stands for “package URL”.
The purl identifier needs to be implemented in the CVE
ecosystem, so that CVE Numbering Authorities[i]
(CNAs) can utilize a purl to identify an open source software component that is
affected by a CVE they report. Of course, currently CPE is the only software
identifier supported by the CVE[ii]
Program; that doesn’t have to go away. But purl has a lot of advantages over CPE
for use in open source vulnerability databases that support CVE, such as OSS Index (which is based entirely on
purl, not CPE).
There will be a workshop on incorporating purl into the CVE
Program during the VulnCon
conference in early April. The goal of the workshop will be to describe the benefits of allowing
purls to be included in CVE Records and to determine whether there is support
in the vulnerability management community to move forward with a proof of
concept for this. If you will be at VulnCon, you should try to attend this
However, even after purl is incorporated into the CVE
program and software users can look up open source components or products in CVE-based
vulnerability databases by searching with a purl, one problem will remain: Purl’s
biggest limitation is that it primarily supports open source software found in
package managers, leaving CPE as the only identifier for commercial software
But CPE has multiple problems, the most important of which is
the fact that today more than half of the new CVEs that were identified in 2024
don’t include a CPE identifier for the affected product. This means that a
search in the NVD for the product using a CPE name won’t find any
vulnerabilities for it. Thus, no search of the NVD – or any other vulnerability
database - for a commercial software product will identify most recent CVEs
that apply to that product.
The OWASP SBOM Forum has developed a high-level concept to
extend purl to cover proprietary software; it is described in this
document. We wish to make it more than just a concept, but a reality. Please
let me know if you would like to discuss this further.
If you would like to comment on
what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me
My book "Introduction to SBOM and VEX" is available in paperback and Kindle versions! For background on the book and the link to order it, see this post.
[ii] If
you are confused by discussion of CPE vs. CVE, remember this: they’re both
identifiers, but CPE is an identifier for software products used by the NVD
(and other databases derived from it), while CVE is an identifier for
vulnerabilities themselves. CVE is by far the most widely used vulnerability