Monday, January 1, 2024

NERC CIP: The two faces of BCSI in the cloud

It’s well known in the NERC CIP community that as of today, January 1, BES Cyber System Information (BCSI) will finally be “legal” in the cloud. However, it isn’t as well-known (but it will be soon, I’m sure) that a huge glitch has appeared that may well take away – at least for now - the majority of the benefits the NERC community was expecting to derive from this development. And it will surprise nobody who has been working in the NERC CIP area for a long time that this isn’t due to some big, fundamental problem like the cloud suddenly being found to be insecure. As usual, the problem has little to do with security and everything to do with the wording of one of the requirements, which as usual has produced consequences completely unintended by the members of the drafting team that wrote the requirement.

I’ve only seen one mention of this problem in writing – that’s in this post I wrote in early December (the author told me he stands by what he said in that post). Since I managed to bury the discussion of this problem far down in the post, I’ll elaborate on it now: The problem with BCSI not being allowed in the cloud before today was never due to a question of where NERC entities can store BCSI. If that were the only problem, few NERC entities would have cared that BCSI wasn’t allowed in the cloud. After all, there are lots of secure – and very inexpensive - ways to store BCSI on premises.

The real problem has always been that the effective “ban” on BCSI (which was itself caused by three words in previous versions of CIP-004: “physical storage locations”) turned out also to be an effective “ban” on software-as-a-service (SaaS) in the cloud – and that problem is getting worse all the time. There are lots of cloud applications that NERC entities with medium or high impact BES Cyber Systems would like to utilize, that are more functional and/or less expensive in their cloud incarnations. These cloud applications have been considered off limits until today.

Even worse, many applications are now not available at all (or won’t be soon) anywhere but the cloud. More and more notices are going out from software suppliers that they will:

1.      Freeze development of their on-premises version at the current version and support all future functionality upgrades only in the cloud; or

2.      Offer certain features only in the cloud from now on; or (worst of all)

3.      Phase out their on-premises version altogether over the next year, and only offer the software in the cloud after that.

The reason why use of SaaS was verboten in medium and high impact NERC CIP environments wasn’t that SaaS apps somehow met the definition of BES Cyber System or Electronic Access Control or Monitoring System; they can't do so, because otherwise they would need to be installed within a Physical Security Perimeter and an Electronic Security Perimeter. Of course, that would currently be impossible for cloud-based systems.

Making BCS and EACMS “legal” will require a fundamental rewrite of many or most of the current CIP requirements (fortunately, that process finally took a baby step forward in December, but it will probably be at least three years before those rewritten requirements come into effect). But all along, it has been thought/hoped that the BCSI and SaaS problems would be completely solved by the fairly simple revisions found in CIP-010-3 R1 and R2, as well as the inclusion of R6 in CIP-004-7.

The only reason why use of SaaS in medium and high impact CIP environments hasn’t been allowed in the cloud until today has simply been the fact that if the SaaS app needed to use BCSI, it couldn’t have access to it until today. In other words, the real reason why FERC’s 2022 approval of CIP-004-7 and CIP-011-3 was significant wasn’t that BCSI itself would be “allowed” in the cloud, but that apps that needed to use BCSI would finally be able to operate in the cloud.

However, I heard in late November that some CIP auditors were becoming concerned with the wording of the new CIP-004-7 R6, and specifically the wording of these two sentences in the first paragraph of R6:

To be considered access to BCSI in the context of this requirement, an individual has both the ability to obtain and use BCSI. Provisioned access is to be considered the result of the specific actions taken to provide an individual(s) the means to access BCSI (e.g., may include physical keys or access cards, user accounts and associated rights and privileges, encryption keys).

The three Parts of R6 - R6.1, R6.2 and R6.3 – describe actions that a NERC entity now needs to take with respect to any individual that has “provisioned access” to BCSI. “Provisioned access” means the individual can obtain and use BCSI; with encrypted data, that usually means the individual would have to have access to the encryption keys (without the keys, the individual could obtain the BCSI but not use it). Such individuals need to:

1.      Per R6.1, be specifically authorized by the NERC entity to have provisioned access to the entity’s BCSI; and

2.      Per R6.2, be subject to verification every 15 months that they have an authorization record, and they still need provisioned access to BCSI to do their job; and

3.      Per R6.3, have their “ability to use provisioned access to BCSI” removed by the end of the next calendar day after a “termination action” (which could be just the individual’s resignation or being transferred internally. It doesn’t have to mean the person was fired).

It was always understood that, starting today, if a CSP employee that manages a SaaS app were to need provisioned access to BCSI, they would be subject to these three requirement parts. In turn, this would mean the CSP would have to furnish evidence to the NERC entity that these actions were taken in every instance. It was acknowledged that at least some CSPs would refuse to even consider doing this. But since it seemed unlikely that CSP employees would ever need provisioned access to BCSI used by a SaaS app, NERC entities and SaaS providers were not worried about R6.

However (cue the ominous music), it seems somebody within the NERC ERO realized that a SaaS app won’t be able to operate on BCSI if it is encrypted, since the app itself can’t decrypt the data. Thus, some person who works for the CSP will need access to the encryption keys for the BCSI for the short time that it takes to decrypt the BCSI and feed it into the app. During this short time, that individual could conceivably copy the BCSI to a thumb drive or some other nefarious device. Therefore, that person will be subject to CIP-004-7 R6.1, R6.2 and 6.3; the CSP will need to provide the NERC entity evidence that all three of these Requirement Parts were complied with in all instances.

R6.2 and R6.3 probably don’t pose a big problem for most CSPs, since the CSP likely already has pre-formatted reports showing their policy regarding key access, as well as evidence showing that it has been followed in all instances where BCSI was involved. However, R6.1 is a different story, because it requires the utility to authorize certain individuals by name (not just role), in order for them to be granted provisioned access to BCSI. At least some CSPs may have a problem with this.

If you haven’t been steeped in NERC CIP for a long time and/or if you have experience complying with any other cybersecurity regulations, you might wonder why this is a problem at all. For one thing, it’s very unlikely that a CSP employee would have any interest in obtaining BCSI; it can’t be sold in some online marketplace and it’s also not at all likely that a CSP employee would be able to utilize the BCSI for any attack on critical infrastructure, no matter how much malice they harbored in their evil heart.

And even if you stipulate that this is really a threat, why should this pose a compliance problem? Couldn’t the NERC entity just give the CSP permission to allow a certain small set of employees (but not specifically named individuals, as specified in the strict language of the requirement) access to the encryption keys for BCSI, only for the few and short occasions when one of them needs to decrypt BCSI to feed it into the SaaS app?

Most importantly, are these two considerations by themselves so serious that NERC entities with high and/or medium impact BES Cyber Systems must continue to be prevented from utilizing SaaS apps that require access to BCSI? The answer to this question seems clear: No. Yet, I’ve heard this is exactly what SaaS providers and NERC entities have been told. Of course, if the CSP would be willing to promise to provide the documentation necessary for the entity to comply with R6.1, R6.2 and R6.3, there would be a workaround for this problem. But I’ve heard that so far, there are no CSPs who have agreed to do this; at the moment, this is a “showstopper” problem.

I want to point out that, since it will be many months before audits start for CIP-004-7 and CIP-010-3, it is possible that some workaround will be found to this problem, which the NERC auditors are likely to agree to – although my guess is at least some NERC entities with high or medium BCS won’t even try to use SaaS until they’re comfortable that such a workaround is available. That will probably require someone at NERC being willing to bend the rules in some way – although that will never be acknowledged to be the case, of course.

“Surely,” you might wonder, “…a way can be found to fix this problem temporarily, at least until a Standards Drafting Team can fix it for good.” I’ve wondered the same thing. Now, we have to all wonder out loud. The message needs to be heard.

Any opinions expressed in this blog post are strictly mine and are not necessarily shared by any of the clients of Tom Alrich LLC. If you would like to comment on what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at

I lead the OWASP SBOM Forum. If you would like to join or contribute to our group, please go here, or email me with any questions.

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