Saturday, June 15, 2024

Webinar on SBOMs and medical devices

I was honored recently to be asked to participate in a webinar being sponsored by Medcrypt, a company that has been an active participant in the OWASP SBOM Forum, which I lead.  Medcrypt is a proactive cybersecurity solutions provider for medical device manufacturers (MDMs). They offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to support MDMs in navigating the complex landscape of cybersecurity within the healthcare industry.

The signup page for the webinar is here. There is a good description of the webinar on the page. My role in the webinar will be mainly to discuss how end user organizations (mainly hospitals, of course) can learn about vulnerabilities in the software included in medical devices they operate, and some of the challenges they face in doing that.

I want to point out that my presentation will apply to all devices, not just medical devices. Of course, medical devices face a unique regulatory environment and therefore receive a lot of attention when it comes to cybersecurity. But the overall challenges with learning about device vulnerabilities apply across industries.

I hope you’ll be able to attend!

If you would like to comment on what you have read here, I would love to hear from you. Please email me at Also, if you would like to learn more about or join the OWASP SBOM Forum, please email me.

My book "Introduction to SBOM and VEX" is now available in paperback and Kindle versions! For background on the book and the link to order it, see this post.


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